International masters day at UBFC

On the 6th December 2019 UBFC held its international masters day. This day aimed at the students of 16 masters taught in English, was the occasion to bring together, unite and touch on the topic

P²FOOD : Physiological and Psychological Food Choice

You are interested in food sciences, and especially in studying why people choose to eat what they eat. You need to obtain professional skills in consumer’s behaviour and you want to know what factors are involved in their food choices.

You always wanted to know…

  • How do consumers choose their food ?
    Why do we eat food which are not the best neither for our health nor the environment ?
  • Reasons for opposition against diet change
  • Influence of stress and mood on food choices
  • How can cultural context influence our food choices ?

This Master is made for you !

To learn more about the master go to the presentation tab.